
Jacksonville is lucky to have Gulani. He’s a surgeon who has designed some of the best LASIK surgical instruments used today. He’s a brilliant thinker.
Dr. Paul Kerpecki, Senior Clinical Consultant – Bausch & Lomb

My husband and I are eye doctors ourselves. I attended one of Dr. Gulani’s educational lectures Dr. Gulani’s knowledge and compassion for refractive correction brought me to the Gulani Vision Institute.My experience was Wonderful. I feel Dr.Gulani is the best! He is Personable, experienced, very intelligent (brilliant). You can’t help but get excited when you hear him. He’s the doctor’s doctor. I wasn’t ready for eye surgery until I met him and I’m glad I waited. I recommend him to people daily. I see great after Dr.Gulani performed Laser Vision Surgery in the form of Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA). I don’t have to put glasses on or contacts, but I still think I’m wearing them, I see so good. I think Dr. Gulani’s surgical skills, education for patients, and personal touch are beyond comparison. He is the Doctor’s Doctor. He is my Laser Vision Surgeon.
Dr. Cindy Couzens
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jacksonville, Florida

He is a pioneer! Maybe one in 100,000 eye surgeons can perform what Dr. Gulani does. I call him the “Bruce Lee” of eye surgery. That is why I chose him for my Laser eye surgery.
Dr. Jay Gallaty

Dr. Gulani makes complicated cases seem “easy” by explaining vision correction in “simple” steps. He has the foresight to breakaway and raise the bar to create the new standards of care. Dr. Gulani is a few steps ahead of everyone else.
Dr. Dana Nolan
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Avondale, Jacksonville. Florida

When passion and goals align, we get a Tiger Woods, a Michael Jordan and an Arun Gulani.
Dr. Jeff Shearer

I have worked in the field of eye care for over two decades. I heard about Dr. Gulani from several other optometrists in town. It was said that he was the Best”.
I see 20/20 at distance and near
Steve Wilson
Vistakon: Johnson & Johnson

I have referred numerous patients to Dr.Gulani, many of them complex enough that other eye surgeons will not touch and yet they all come back with perfect vision and a great experience with him.
Dr.Gulani’s teachings at our international conference is received with much applause and enthusiasm. he truly is a pioneer eye surgeon, world renown and yet so personal.
Dr. Nathan Schramm
I have personally witnessed Dr. Gulani’s vision correction surgeries which raise the bar on Lasik itself to an ART. The ability of a surgeon to provide all kinds of Lasik surgery techniques and then also to combine Lasik with cataract surgery and have the capability to correct previous Lasik surgery is seen in my patient exchanges with Dr. Gulani. Their experience with him and then their visual outcomes, many a times beyond the usual 20/20 is impressive to say the least.
I have seen patients where he performed customized INTACS for Keratoconus as well as “No-Stitch” placenta surgery for Golfer’s eyes. He has taken cataract surgery into the next century by providing new generation Lens implant options that can correct astigmatism as well as reading vision without glasses. This capacity is further enhanced with his teachings of performing Lasik following cataract surgery to sculpt the cornea for a perfect optical system.
I have referred some of my most demanding patients (Medical personnel, nurses, doctors and professional golfers) and they have come back with vision beyond their expectations and more importantly, an eye opening experience with the knowledge that vision corrective surgery is an ART beyond “cookie-cutter” surgery for truly optimizing vision for an individualized outcome.
My expertise with advanced contact lens fitting with patients with nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism as well as Bifocal contact lenses sets me apart in my profession.
As an eye doctor with special interest in optics and vision, I understand where Dr. Gulani is going with this. Vision is indeed such a personalized and unique function for every eye and then its relation to the visual system in the brain.
Dr. Gulani is years ahead of his peers in tapping into the vision reserve of every patient for the best possible technique and outcome that they are capable of
I do believe that a comprehensive vision correction armamentarium is the ‘Highway” to “Super Vision”
Dr. Charles Howell Jr,O.D; M.Ed.
Eye Doctor (Optometrist): Jacksonville, Florida

I am an accomplished optometrist with extensive experience in complex corneal and cataract cases and have referred many patients to Dr.Gulani especially those of keratoconus, Radial keratotomy, Complex Cataracts and Lasik complications and have marveled at how he corrects them to 20/20 when most surgeons I know don’t eve know how to approach such patients let alone correct their vision
Dr.William Ramsay
South Florida

Dr. Gulani is a great doctor and a great surgeon. He is very good to patients and I never hesitate to refer patients.
Dr. Andrea Mocanu and Dr. Gerry Balski
Optometrists (Eye Doctors)
Jacksonville, Florida
Dr. Gulani has a passion from his craft that is unmatched.I have been astonished with the fantastic results Arun has achieved with some of my most difficult cases. Thank you, Dr. Gulani
Dr. Matthew Comerford
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jacksonville, Florida

“Dr. Gulani is a brilliant thinker who has designed some of the top-selling Bausch & Lomb instruments used in LASIK today,”
Dr. Paul Karpecki
Senior Clinical Consultant for Bausch & Lomb and Director of Research
Kansas City, Kansas

Dr. Gulani makes a successful effort to keep the patient’s comfort and outcome the primary concern in his practice.
He came very highly recommended by optometrist’s McClane, Stubits and Koss of Fernandina Beach Florida. They had nothing but good things to say about outcomes they had seen from Dr. Gulani’s surgery.
Dr. Gulani seems to be on the cutting edge of ocular surgery. The surgeries we spoke of were geared equally toward function as they were to esthetics. Through his innovative techniques, he strives to go beyond the “20/ happy” norm and take the patient to their best possible visual outcome.
Dr. Tiffany Tucker
Observing Optometrist

Dr. Gulani is a Genius!
Dr. Kyle Abshire
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jacksonville, Florida

Dr. Gulani is an artist at what he does.
Dr. Wayne Wood
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jacksonville, Florida
Dr. Gulani is a pioneer in the field of eye care. As a referring doctor, I am confident my patients are going to get the best care the world has to offer.
Dr. Michael Lange
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ocala, Florida
“GulanInspiration; Eye Doctor’s Eye Opener”
Hiral P.
This is day 1, as we fly back to CHICAGO after Dr.Gulani’s LaZrPlastique surgery when every Eye Surgeon said he “wasn’t a candidate due to high Irregular Astigmatism and extreme Farsightedness prescription When I shared I was a budding Eye Doctor, Dr. Gulani allowed me to observe everything right from how he personally designs and articulates each surgery. He opened my eyes to how many techniques there are to Lasik that he can uniquely design to each patient. I witnessed how intensely, committed and caring for each patient he is. The miraculous delivery he promises and performs one patient after another was what I got to watch just as Raj himself underwent his unique surgery. I am INSPIRED not only by his bedside manner but also his accountability and drive to give back the best vision possible for all his patients. I have gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration to take back home to my university for my colleagues.”
Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Chicago, IL.