Dr. GQ – Pleasing to the Eye

They call him Dr. GQ. Dressed impeccably in a perfectly tailored suit of his own design, Jacksonville Ophthalmologist Arun Gulani elegantly extends his hand in a gesture of warm personal welcome to the Gulani Vision Institute.
As you attempt to curb the temptation to gape at Gulani, certainly the best-dressed doctor you’ve ever encountered, you may not be aware that you have just shaken the hand that can restore your vision to 20/20 … or better.
Internationally acclaimed as one of the world’s most skilled eye surgeons, Gulani has been called “the daVinci of eye surgery.” With the flourish and flash of a famous artist who is certain of his talent and eager to share his gift, Gulani is, indeed, similar to da Vinci in many ways. Far ahead of his time in the field of eye surgery and impatient for others to catch up, Gulani has invented many of the most delicate surgical instruments used by LASIK surgeons worldwide and has perfected several advanced surgical techniques that are uniquely tailored to repair corneal scarring.

Like da Vinci, Gulani considers himself an artist, with the human eye his canvas and perfect vision his ultimate goal. And, like daVinci, Gulani’s intense preoccupation with perfect symmetry permeates every part of his life, including the stylish garments of his own design that are custom-made and color-coordinated to compliment his fit body and the handsome bronze tone of his skin.
A global visionary in ophthalmology, Gulani is setting benchmarks in fashion design as he travels the world teaching his advanced LASIK procedures at international conferences. “I’ve become an ‘accidental couture consultant for colleagues,’” admits the charismatic young surgeon, grinning as he describes being besieged for fashion tips as well as insights into the newest high-tech procedures.
“He always has on some wonderful outfit – we can’t wait to see him walk in on Tuesdays,” said operating nurse Deb Beede who works with Gulani weekly at Surgical Care Affiliates in Jacksonville. “We’ve nicknamed him Dr. G.Q. because he is truly a fashion designer and he could be a model if he wanted to be.”
But, Beede insists, Dr. Arun Gulani has earned her respect for much more than his fashion sense.

“He is not like other doctors. He is not in a hurry. He wants us to be as totally committed to his patients as he is,” said Beede, adding that when possible, the patient’s family is also involved before and after surgery. After assisting him and watching him for more than two years, Beede notes that Gulani consistently does the most delicate, complicated eye surgeries successfully and with an artistic flourish. “The way he stands for you to gown and glove him, you know that this surgery – the one he’s about to perform – is the most important surgery that has ever been done. We all know it. And the patient knows it, too.”
The first eye surgeon in Florida to perform an artificial cornea transplant, Gulani has designed a series of advanced stitch-less surgeries called “Corneoplastique™” that may eventually eliminate corneal transplants altogether.
And, as word of his surgical prowess spreads, the Gulani Vision Institute is fast becoming a destination for savvy patients the world over. “I found Dr. Gulani on the internet and when I called Gulani Vision Institute and his staff said he could help me, I couldn’t believe it,” said Zarella Bast, a young fashion model who, after failed attempts by several eye surgeons, had just about given up on having the pterygium (an unsightly red growth on the cornea) removed from her eye. “Dr. Gulani did it!” declares Bast. “My eye is clear and my camera men are happy.”
And, speaking of cameras, digital photographs, television appearances and video clips abound on the Gulani Vision website, and they are as much a testament to the versatility of the doctor’s stylish apparel as they are to the consistent success of his surgeries. “He’s a clothes horse. I’ve never seen a doctor like him,” said patient Hunter Chiles of Fernandina Beach, who considers Gulani a miracle worker as well as a fashion maven. “My case was extremely complicated and my corneas were horribly scarred from previous botched LASIK procedures,” said Chiles. “He’s the best. He’s a perfectionist.”

As a perfectionist aiming at achieving perfect vision for as many patients as possible, Gulani tailors more than his elegant suits. He tailors each procedure to the specific eye, and when he is finished with surgery and removes his surgical gear, he re-emerges as Dr. G. Q., wearing the carefully chosen ensemble of the day. “The care I give to my appearance is the same care I give to my patients,” said Gulani. “One correlates with the other. If I am dressed impeccably and present an image of stability and authority, then my patients and my staff and my professional colleagues will understand that what they see is what they get – an eye surgeon who is deeply concerned about every single detail.

And, oh, the details! Just as Gulani is fearless when it comes to forging new paths in eye surgery, he is also a forward thinking, imaginative and artistic designer where his wardrobe is concerned. A unique blend of tailoring, fitting, fabric and style – as well as brilliant splashes of unexpected color – present an impressive picture of poise, conviction and self-confidence for an overall feeling of complete and comfortable reassurance.
Just as each eye is unique and each surgery is the most important one ever performed, when Dr. G. Q. personally welcomes you to Gulani Vision Institute, you know that you are unquestionably the most important person he has ever met. His look is perfection. Every hair is in place. His smile is warm and sincere, and that sincerity is reflected in the clear intensity of his eye-contact. His suit is completely smooth and free of wrinkles; his accessories are colorful; his shirt is immaculate; everything matches perfectly. Armani, eat your heart out … Gulani’s style is flawless, whether traveling to an international conference, greeting a patient, or performing delicate LASIK surgery. “I now see 20/15!” declared Hunter Chiles. “That’s better than perfect!”

Dr. Gulani’s innovative fashion line and designer sense established as Gulani Fashions™ has a tag line of “For those who have Arrived!” that underscores his desire to always inspire while creating artistic and bespoke vision translated to his clothing style and haberdasher approach to life itself.
With unique fabrics and colors carefully chosen by him from around the world, along with individualized cuts and designs, he sets out to create an image and enhance the appearance of a select clientele.
Gulani Fashions™ depicts the story and even the journey of that individual who he dresses and designs for, many a time surprising them by helping them re-discover their own self.