Radial Keratotomy Surgical Complication Correction

Gulani TV

Radial Keratotomy (RK) complications are quite common as they may be a direct result of the RK surgery or of surgical intervention of the patient’s most recent surgeon.

Over nearly three decades of experience as a pioneer in developing advanced RK correction techniques and award winning inventions, Dr.Gulani has developed a proprietary protocol to enhance RK complication surgery outcomes and also correct RK complications successfully.
Following a detailed personal consultation with the patient along with advanced diagnostic testing he then classifies the complications into the following categories:
Primary Surgery – from original RK surgery
- Anatomical
- Refractive
- Visual
Secondary – an attempt from some surgeon to surgically correct the RK induced vision deterioration:
- Anatomical
- Refractive
- Visual
Armed with this detailed knowledge Dr. Gulani then determines to address as many of these as he humanly can. Unleashing a uniquely designed surgical plan with cutting-edge technology and technique application Dr. Gulani has brought thousands of patients from all over the world to their best vision potential.
He selflessly teaches his Radial Keratotomy surgical complication correction courses at major national and international conferences for eye surgeons having authored books, book chapters, invented award-winning surgical instruments, numerous publications and surgical videos and is a go to surgeon for global news media.
Though he is very successful in correcting complications, he stresses to patients and RK correction surgeons alike that prevention is still the best way to go.