Original Articles

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Papers Published
Gulani AC. Here today, gone tomorrow: Next day cosmetic outcomes of pterygium surgery using human placenta: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. (116):14, 2012
Gulani AC. Gulani Algorithm addresses corneal scarring. By Linda Charters, Ophthalmology Times, 2012
Gulani AC. BoxerWachler B, Rubinfeld R, Wallace D, Jackson M: High Astigmatism after PKP: Complex Case managements in Refractive Surgery. Ed: Stonecipher K, Majmudar P, Coleman S. 1-4, July 2011, Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today (CRST)
Gulani AC. Whitman J, Hoopes P, Chu R: Which refractive procedure would you choose? : Consultation section. Premier Eye Surgeon. March/April 2011
Gulani AC. Think Outside the Cone: Raising Keratoconus Surgery to an Art. Advanced Ocular Care, Nov/Dec 2010; 35-37.
Gulani AC. Vision Correction Surgeries: From Memory Lane of the Past to the Vision Super Highways of the Future: The Journal of AAPI:16-20, 2009
Gulani AC. Sutureless Amniotic Surgery for Pterygium: Cosmetic Outcomes for Ocular Surface Surgery. Techniques in Ophthalmology. 6(2):41-44, 2008.
Gulani AC. Surgical method sets higher standard for managing pterygium. Ocular Surgery News. Consultation Section, Aug. 2008
Gulani AC. John Thomas. Combined corneal scar excision, Laser PRK surgery seeks unaided emmetropia. Ocular Surgery News. Cornea & External disease section, June. 2008.
Gulani AC. Corneoplastique™. Techniques in Ophthalmology 5(1):11-20, 2007
Gulani AC. “A New Concept for Refractive Surgery: Corneoplastique”.Ophthalmology Management 2006; 57-63
Gulani AC. McDonald M, Majmudar P, Koch D, Packer M, Waltz K. “Meeting the challenge of Post-RK patients”- Review of Ophthalmology, 2007; IV (10), 49-54.
Gulani AC. ” Corneoplastique system repairs cornea before or afterLaser refractive surgery” Ocular Surgery News, Nov 2007; 25 (21). 124-125
Gulani AC. Alio J et al: “Abnormal Preoperative Topography in Refractive Surgery Complications: Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today Journal 2007; 7(2) 37-42
Gulani AC. “Como manejar logicamente a los pacientes post-Lasik” Review of ophthalmology en Espanol., 2007; Edicion #19, 14-17.
Gulani AC. Corneoplastique: Art of Vision Surgery (Abstract). Journal of American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery. 2007; 19. 40
Gulani AC. “How to put logic into action after Lasik”- Review of Ophthalmology, 2006; XIII (9), 60-64.
Gulani AC et al. “Innovative Real-Time llumination System for Lasik Surgery” Clinical & Surgical Ophthalmology. Journal of Canadian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 2003; 1/21, 6: 244-246
Gulani AC. “Color Doppler Sonography: A new investigative modality for intraocular space occupying lesions”. EYE (1994) 8, 307-310″.
Gulani AC. “Lasik Corneal Complications: A New Stratified Classification”. Ophthalmology 1999; 106:1457-58
Gulani AC. “New Instrument For Revision Lamellar Refractive Surgery”.Journal Of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JCRC), 1998; Vol 24: 595
Gulani AC. “Corneal Complications of Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis “. DCMS Journal 2002; 53, 6: 259-261. Aug 2002
Gulani AC et al. “Lasik in Four Types of Ametropia” ( Consultation Section). Annals of Ophthalmology & Glaucoma. 1998; Vol 30, No.3: 135-136
Gulani AC. Sonographic Diagnosis of Orbital Cysticercus Cyst: ” The Hanging Drop Sign”. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 1998; Vol l4, No. 3: 122-124
Gulani AC. ” Tuberculous involvement of the optic nerve leading to widespread calcification”. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Ophthalmology. 1995;17 : 17-18.
Gulani AC. ” Corneal Arcus and Blood Lipid Levels- A Study of 95 Cases”. Journal of Internal Medicine, 1994; 3: 14-15
Gulani AC. ” Experience With Ten Refractive Surgical Procedures for Hyperopia” Research Communications inPharmacology and Toxicology (in press)
Gulani AC. “New Instrumentation for Revision Lasik Surgery”Research Communications in Pharmacology and Toxicology (in press)
Gulani AC. “Simultaneous Pterygium and Cataract Surgery”.Journal of PostGraduate Medicine 1993;l2:4-6.
Gulani AC. ” Plasmacytoma of The Orbit”. Afro-Asian Journal of Ophthalmology. 1994;XIII: 59-60.
Gulani AC. “The Usefulness of Ocular Color Doppler in Diagnosing Angiomatosis Retinae Associated with Von Hipple’s disease” Journal Of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 1998;l 14:21-23
Gulani AC et al.Piggyback Intraocular lenses (Consultation Section)Annals Of Ophthalmology & Glaucoma. 1998; 30: 205-206
Gulani AC. Ophthalmology and High Frequency Ultrasound..Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 1999; 18:S1-S200
Gulani AC. Laser Vigilance in Laser Refractive Surgery Contactologica .1999;21:118
Gulani AC. Excimer Beam Topography and Classification American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (Abstract). 2000;148:38
Gulani AC. “Time-Out for Sports related Eye Injuries”Ophthalmology Times 2004;
Gulani AC. “To Your Health Ponte Vedra Recorder. Sports & Eye Health B-16. April 2002
Gulani AC. “ Placenta Tissue has power to restore Vision” Medical Staff, Aug 2003. 6
Gulani AC. “ The Gift of Sight” Open Lines, 2002; IV,2,3
Gulani AC. “ Corneal Transplant Procedure Clears up Sight” The Business Journal 2002; 12
Gulani AC. “ UF Lasik Institute” WAYS , 2002; 5
Gulani AC. “Sports Related Eye Injuries” Ophthalmology Times, Vol 27, No.12. 1 & 24. June 2002
Gulani AC. “Lamellar Corneal Procedure Useful for Reparative Surgery” Ophthalmology Times, April 2003
Gulani AC. “Epithelial Ingrowth Protocol Guides Intervention, Therapy” Ophthalmology Times2002; Vol 27, No.23, 1&24-25.
Gulani AC. “Wavefront Technology Becomes Important Preop, Postop Tool”Ophthalmology Times, April 2003
Gulani AC. “Dry Eye Matrix” Ophthalmology Times, May 2003
Gulani AC. “Innovative Management cascade Treats Epithelial Ingrowth in Lasik” Ocular Surgery News. Vol 19, No.24, 16-18. Dec 2001
Gulani AC. “Wavefront Guided- Asisted Lasik Surgery” Ocular Surgery News 2003; Vol 21, No.7. 1 & 6-12
Gulani AC. “Epikeratophakia Reversal after long term healing” Ocular Surgery News 2003, Vol 21, No.7. 4
Gulani AC. ” Innovative Real-Time Illumination System Aids in Lasik” Ocular Surgery News 2002; Vol20, No.22. 3 & 40.
Gulani AC. “Wavefront Aberrometry Helps in Figuring out Best Treatment Options” Eyeworld 2003; Vol 8, No.2, 16-17
Gulani AC. “How to Quell The Renegrade Cells” Review of Ophthalmology. Vol VIII, No.9. 79-80. Sept 2003
Gulani AC. “Take a Closer Look at Lasik Candidates” Review of Ophthalmology. Vol X, No.2. 79-80. Feb 2003
Gulani AC. “New Instrument for Corneal Incision Viewing “Ophthalmology Times.Vol 27. No.12, 40. June 2002
Gulani AC. “Gulani Systems in Lasik Surgery” Eye News, Vol 1, 6-12. April 2002.
Gulani AC. A New Stratified Classification & management Guide for Lasik Complications. American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (Abstract). 2000;605;152
Gulani AC. “Ocular Color Doppler Usage Aids In Diagnosis And Evaluation Of Ocular Pathologies”OSN 1998; Vol 16, No.6 : 54-55
Gulani AC. “Lasik gets good results with difficult hyperopia cases”.Ophthalmol Times 1997; 22:13.
Gulani AC. “New Triple Benefit Intra-Ablative Contact Lenses for Hyperopic Lasik” Contactologica. 1999;21:107
Gulani AC. “Classifications in Lasik Surgery”Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology (Abstract). 2000;17:105
Gulani AC. “Color Doppler in Ophthalmology”Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology (Abstract). 2000;8:103
Gulani AC. “Its A matter of control: The Gulani Lasik GlobeStabilizer and Flap Restrainer”. Asico Vision News . 1998;1:1-2
Gulani AC. “What’s new in refractive surgery?” Review of Ophthalmology 1997; 79-81
Gulani AC. “Phakic implants for high myopia” (ARVO abstract), Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1997; 38: S539.
Gulani AC. “Edge Delineator and Liftor: Current Techniques”Ocular Surgery News. 1997;15: 9
Gulani AC. “Lasik Revision Technique: Current Techniques”American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting News. 1997:17
Gulani AC. “Innovative Management cascade Treats Epithelial Ingrowth in Lasik” Ocular Surgery News. 2000;18: 39
Gulani AC. “Corneal Flap Management in Lasik”Eyeworld. 1998;3:40
Gulani AC. “Lasik Cannulae in Flap Positioning and Irrigation”Eyeworld. 1999;4: 60
Gulani AC. “New Flap Instruments Created as Lasik goes Mainstream”Eyeworld. 1999;4: 48-49
Gulani AC. “Toric IOL Users Find Own Tricks But Few New Instruments”.Eyeworld. 1999;4:47.
Gulani AC. “Storz Current Techniques.”Eyeworld. 1997;2:77
Gulani AC. “Innovative masking Lenses aid Patient Fixation in Hyperopic Lasik” Ocular Surgery News.1999;17:15
Gulani AC. “Minimize Surface Trauma.” Eyeworld.1998;3: 26
Gulani AC. “Refractive Tool Time. Lasik flap instruments: The rush is on.”Eyeworld. 1997; 2:38 Gulani AC. “Lasik Globe Stabilizer & Flap Restrainer”Ocular Surgery News.1998;16:63
Gulani AC. “Proposed Classification Systems for Lasik Reporting” Eyeworld. 1999;4:35