Combination Pterygium Surgery

Since Pterygium and Pinguecula can be associated with refractive errors (glasses and contact lens prescriptions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, reading glasses, etc) and also in some cases with age related cataracts, Dr. Gulani has developed a systematic approach with unlimited technology and techniques; his proprietary KLEAR™ system (Kerato-Lenticulo-Extended Armamentarium- Refractive) includes all forms of surgeries including Corneal (Kerato), Lens Implants/Cataract/ICL (Lenticulo),and Lasik/PRK/LenZoPlastique/Intacs/CXL (Refractive). This KLEAR™ system of his guided by his proprietary GPS (Gulani Planning System) protocols have successfully addressed not only first time candidates but also those with complex and Botched surgeries in many cases to successful pterygium and pinguecula removal along with 20/20 vision outcomes.
As one of the pioneers of Pterygium surgery, Dr. Gulani has displayed these skills over time not only of performing Pterygium surgery by itself but also combining it with other vision corrective surgery to take patients with extreme vision errors or complex situations to 20/20 vision. When a patient with pterygium presents with associated pathologies like corneal abnormalities, cataracts, or ocular surface instabilities (like chronic dry eyes) after advance diagnostics and a personal consultation Dr. Gulani decides all the impacting factors and the sequence of how he would approach the eye using his custom designed techniques. This combination could be performed simultaneously in a single step or staged over time based on Dr. Gulani’s discretion in the patient’s best interest. For example, he may do laser vision surgery (LaZrPlastique™) first followed by pterygium surgery or vice versa.
This is a tremendous advantage for patients that are with surgeons that are limited by their abilities – only Lasik, only cataract, or only cornea surgery therefore “fitting the patient to their surgery.”’ Dr. Gulani with his vast range of surgeries and technologies can custom design to uniquely “fit the surgery to the patient.”
Similarly, he may first approach the pterygium and then wait for ocular stability to perform premium cataract surgery (LenzOPlastique™). In some extreme cases he has even done 3 stages for example pterygium surgery (SPARKLE™), then cataract surgery (LenzOPlastique™), and then finally laser based (LaZrPlastique™) surgery.
LOOK Good: SEE Good

Dr. Gulani’s Nex-Gen No-Cut, No-Blade LASIK techniques and cataract techniques can be combined with pterygium surgery to not only turn these RED eyes into sparkling white but to also help them see without glasses or contact lenses for the rest of their lives.

To find out if you’re a candidate for Dr. Gulani’s world renowned “No-Stitch” surgical technique; SPARKLE™ (Sutureless Pterygium Excision with Amniotic Reconstruction and Lamellar Keratectomy) contact our headquarters in Jacksonville, FL to start your Gulani Vision Experience.
Alabama to Gulani Vision giving thanks! DR.GULANI'S NO STITCH HUMAN PLACENTA surgery with multi focal cataract surgery.Here I am 15 years later with 20/2] vision at all distances with sparkling white eye
Posted by Eddie Bides on Monday, December 2, 2019