Keratoconus Combination Surgery

As the world’s destination for Keratoconus corrective surgery Dr. Gulani has displayed the skills over time for not only performing Keratoconus correction surgery by itself but also combining it with other vision corrective surgery. Approaching the eye as a camera Dr. Gulani decides how many optical elements (cornea, lens) are impacting that patient’s vision and can uniquely correct each of them singly or in combination, simultaneously or staged over time. This is a tremendous advantage for patients that are with surgeons that are limited by their abilities – only Lasik, only cataract, or only cornea surgery therefore “fitting the patient to their surgery.”’
Over three decades, as a Master surgeon, Dr. Gulani has developed a systematic approach with unlimited technology and techniques; his proprietary KLEAR™ system (Kerato-Lenticulo-Extended Armamentarium-Refractive) includes all forms of surgeries including Corneal (Kerato), Lens Implants/Cataract/ICL (Lenticulo), and Lasik/PRK/LenZoPlastique/Intacs/CXL (Refractive). This KLEAR™ system of his guided by his GPS™ protocols have successfully addressed not only first time candidates but also those with complex and Botched surgeries in many cases to 20/20 vision outcomes.
Dr. Gulani with his vast range of surgeries and technologies can custom design to uniquely “fit the surgery to the patient.” For example, Dr. Gulani has used numerous combinations including LaZrPlastiqueTM with crosslinking, Intacs® with cataract surgery, Intacs® with ICL, lamellar keratoplasty with LaZrPlastiqueTM, and corneal scar surgery with LaZrPlastiqueTM and he continues to teach surgeons how to break down even extreme cases and bring them to their best vision.